Our desire is to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone.

We follow and serve Jesus Christ as the one, true Savior. Using the Bible as our foundation, we believe in the four-fold ministry of the Early Church: teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Our prayer for everyone who attends this church is that they come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and that they will grow in Him and in His service. We hope to serve the people of our community and beyond as we seek to serve our risen Savior. We encourage an active church family and offer involvement for all ages. At Bethany Bible Chapel, we believe that God's Word has the ability to change lives. We gather throughout the week to worship and praise the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Spirit.

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We want you to join our family here at Bethany! These are the ways you and your family can plug in around here...Click on an image to learn more.


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